Childhood Asthma Treatment

Childhood Asthma Treatment

Asthma in children may not differ from asthma in adults, but children put up with unique challenges. Fortunately, with the right treatment, management of asthma in children becomes easy as they can control their symptoms, prevent asthma attacks, and most importantly, achieve a normal quality of life.

Asthma is a common condition that often shows its symptoms in childhood, especially when a child is three or over three years of age. It affects the functioning of tubes in the lungs which are responsible for breathing, as a result of which the lungs become inflamed and children experience wheezing or breathing issues along with chest congestion. Childhood asthma can have a severe impact on daily activities of a child, and (s)he may have trouble in school, sports, play, and sleep. If asthma goes unmanaged and symptoms become temporarily worse, it can lead to frightening asthma attacks.

Symptoms of Asthma in Children

Asthma signs and symptoms vary from child to child, and they become worse with cold air, at night or by the exercise. A child with asthma may typically present frequent lingering cough and complaint about having chest tightness or congestion. Other common childhood asthma symptoms are:

  • Wheezing, a whistling when breathing out
  • Breathlessness that hampers any physical exertion
  • Troubled sleep
  • Delayed recovery or bronchitis after a respiratory infection
  • Fatigue

Asthma attack in children while sleeping can be very serious, and seek immediate medical intervention. Getting the right care can help in the effective management of asthma in children and reduce asthma attacks, as a childcare provider elaborates parents on how to manage it when your child is having an asthma attack. Unmanaged asthma can lead to other issues such as tiredness and growth delays.

If you notice your child experiences any of these symptoms, take her or him to see the doctor without any delay, as early diagnosis and treatment will help control symptoms and possibly prevent damage to the growing lungs.

Causes of Childhood Asthma

Asthma is caused by the inflammation of bronchial tubes that transport air in and out of lungs. The inflammation makes the bronchial tubes narrower than usual, which resultantly prevent air from moving freely. Sometimes, the bronchial tubes get blocked with mucus, and worsen the symptoms when a child is exposed to cold air, smoke, and allergens such as pet dander, pollens and dust mites.

What factors cause asthma in children aren’t fully understood, but the condition seems to run in families. A child is vulnerable to develop asthma, if other people in the family has this respiratory disorder too. Some risk factors thought to be involved to trigger this condition are:

  • A family history of developing allergies
  • Parents with asthma
  • Food allergies and eczema
  • Continuous exposure to environmental factors, such as air pollution or smoke
  • Allergies to dust mites, animal fur or pollens
  • Physical activity
  • Weather changes or cold air

Diagnosis and Treatment of Asthma in Children:

Diagnosing asthma in children depends on a child’s symptoms, frequency, medical and family history. Your childcare expert may need some breathing tests in order to rule out other conditions, and to identify the cause of symptoms.

If your child is diagnosed with asthma, the doctor will create a personal childhood asthma treatment plan based on the severity of your child’s asthma, symptoms and triggers etc to help your child keep symptoms under control. Once the condition is under control, your child will be able to carry out day-to-day activities in a normal manner.

If you are concerned about the symptoms of your child or seek a comprehensive childhood asthma management program, get in touch with one of the experienced childcare experts at the Pediatric Clinic of American Hospital.

Doctors Panel of Childhood Asthma Treatment

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