Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck

Women face fluctuations in their hormone levels and body weight throughout puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. In addition, caesarian births significantly weaken the abdominal wall leading to an unsightly overhang on the lower abdomen. They often suffer emotionally due to the surplus skin and bulges that impact their self-confidence, daily life, and even their wardrobe.

An abdominoplasty is an effective route of body contouring to its pre-childbirth state. A combination of liposuction, breast enlargement/reduction, and body contouring at American Hospital Dubai can give you a physical makeover as well as mommy makeover that can enhance your natural contours.

This cosmetic procedure offers long-lasting results that require a serious commitment on your end too. You need to prepare yourself to embrace a healthy lifestyle and stable body weight to avoid any complications.

What is Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck surgery – is a cosmetic procedure that involves removing excess skin from the waist, and tightening the fascia and muscles of the abdominal wall to achieve a flat stomach.

Fat stretches the skin when you gain a few pounds, but the skin is often unable to achieve its original state. Furthermore, the loss of collagen over the years can make your skin prone to wrinkles and sagging.

Abdominoplasty is an effective solution to abdominal drooping, for not only giving you the desired body contouring but also improving the appearance of your body. In short, it helps in:

  • Reduction of abdominal panniculus and redundant skin
  • Gain a flat and harmonious belly
  • Removal of stretch marks caused by pregnancy
  • Enhancing the abdominal muscles

Procedure Of A Liposuction & Tummy Tuck Surgery

Abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia, followed by 1-3 days of observation at the hospital. The duration of your surgery depends on the technique(s) used on your tummy. The Plastic Surgery department offers three variations that can be customized according to your preferences:

  • Standard Abdominoplasty: The standard procedure is the most common choice. It involves a hip-to-hip incision for a complete reconstruction of the ribcage, abdomen, and pubic area. All the excess fatty tissue and skin is removed to repair and tighten the abdominal muscles.
  • The scar is placed in the bikini line so that it can be concealed with underwear. The navel may be repositioned or reconstructed to optimize its position according to the new proportions.
  • Mini Abdominoplasty: Mini abdominoplasty is chosen for the removal of localized fat and bulges overhanging from the pubic region. The surgeon makes a small incision that resembles the scar from a caesarean birth. It is short, quick, and highly effective.

Why American Hospital Is the Best Choice for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Our plastic surgery department is committed to delivering physical transformations that help your body contouring and self-confidence. Our personalized cosmetic surgery solutions have helped countless individuals get the figure they have always envisioned for themselves. The board-certified surgeons carry out conclusive analyses and consultations to create the ideal surgery and aftercare strategy for your convenience.

We ensure that you leave all your concerns about your abdominoplasty at the doorstep when you check-in for your life-changing surgery.

Visit American Hospital for your abdominoplasty to enjoy a fit and flat stomach. For an appointment with a Cosmetic Surgeon, use our online booking form.

Preparation for Tummy Tuck Surgery:

Here are some tips for prepping for tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, which is typically included in a mommy makeover:

  • Stop Smoking: It is essential to stop smoking at least two weeks before surgery and refrain from smoking during recovery. Smoking can slow healing and increase the likelihood of complications.
  • Medication: Be sure to discuss any prescription or over-the-counter medications you are taking with your surgeon, as some can increase the risk of bleeding during surgery.
  • Healthy Eating Plan: Maintain a nutritious diet with plenty of protein, fruits, and vegetables to aid healing and recovery.
  • Physical Activity: Your surgeon may suggest starting a gentle exercise program before surgery to aid in recovery.
  • Arrange for Help: At least the first few days following surgery, you will require someone to assist you. Make sure to ask a friend or relative to help out during this time.
  • Recovery Space: Create a peaceful retreat in your home with easy access to essential items like medication, water, and snacks for when you need comfort.
  • Loose Clothing: Opt for stretchy, comfortable clothing that's effortless to put on and take off, along with a pair of comfortable shoes that offer maximum comfort.
  • Plan for Time Off: Assume at least two weeks off from work or other obligations for proper healing and recovery.

Following the above tips can help ensure a successful tummy tuck surgery and recovery process.

After Precautions of Tummy Tuck Surgery:

The length of your scar post-standard abdominoplasty is going to be substantial. The scar could go hip-to-hip, and it can even require a vertical extension to access stubborn areas. So, despite the neatness and precision opted by a cosmetic surgeon, the final look of a scar cannot be predicted. However, the scar can easily hide under the slip or swimsuit, thus masking the surgery and reducing the patient’s discomfort.

The scar may look red, lumpy, and raised for several months after the surgery. You may be suggested other cosmetic procedures to conceal the scar and improve its appearance during your follow-up visits after the abdominoplasty.

Things to Remember:

  • Abdominoplasty does not involve weight loss, and therefore ideal candidates should be of a relatively normal size frame.
  • An abdominoplasty requires a more extended stay at the hospital. You will need a caregiver during your stay.
  • Swelling, bruises, and lumps are very common post-surgery. These symptoms will heal with prescribed medicines.
  • It is critical to sleep on your back, as any lateral positions could put unnecessary pressure on your wounds.
  • You could be asked to wear a support garment for three to eight weeks after a standard abdominoplasty.
  • Remember, rest is crucial for your recovery and healing after the surgery. Therefore, it is ideal to avoid strenuous activities immediately after a tummy tuck surgery.
  • Abdominoplasty is usually accompanied by simultaneous liposuction of the hips, love handles and repositioning of the navel.

Schedule an Appointment:

American Hospital is among the fewer healthcare providers in the region that enjoys a unique reputation for plastic surgery, especially breast enlargement or breast reduction procedures. Our cosmetic surgery team comprises highly experienced and board-certified surgeons with a demonstrated history of delivering optimal results and winning customers’ satisfaction.

We use the latest technology and techniques to ensure that you receive the desired results. These procedures are meant to boost your confidence and make you satisfied with your body.

If you seek more information about breast augmentation or breast reduction procedures, book an appointment with a Plastic Surgeon at American Hospital Dubai using our secure web form.

Yes, in some instances, tummy tuck surgery may provide temporary relief by supporting the abdominal muscles more securely, leading to improved posture and less strain on lower back muscles.

Some patients have reported an improvement in bladder control after their surgery. This may be because the procedure helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which in turn aids with bladder regulation.

Yes, in many cases, this surgery can also correct an umbilical hernia. Many patients who receive both procedures typically find success.

Absolutely, it is possible to undergo this type of surgery after multiple c-sections. Your surgeon will evaluate each case individually to decide if it is safe for you to proceed with this type of procedure.

While tummy tuck surgery may provide some relief from some stretch marks, it is not guaranteed to eliminate all of them. Your surgeon can assess your case to determine if the procedure would be beneficial in eliminating your specific stretch marks.

Yes, tummy tuck surgery can impact future pregnancies. While it is possible to become pregnant after the surgery, it's generally advised that all planned pregnancies be completed before the procedure is performed. This is because pregnancy may stretch out abdominal muscles and skin, potentially undoing the results of your tummy tuck surgery

No, the procedure isn't intended to promote weight loss. While some minor weight loss may occur as part of the healing process, the primary focus is eliminating extra skin and tightening abdominal muscles.

No, the procedure is not intended to replace weight loss or to live an active lifestyle. While some fat may be removed during the process, it's not designed to eliminate significant amounts of stomach tissue. Patients should reach or near their ideal weight before considering this type of procedure for the best results.

No, this surgery shouldn't affect exercise in the long run. However, it is essential that you follow your surgeon's post-operative instructions and gradually resume exercising once cleared by your surgeon.

Yes, the scar from your surgery will be on the abdomen, but it should be hidden by clothing or swimwear. Your surgeon can discuss scar management techniques to help reduce its appearance.

Yes, tummy tuck surgery can be combined with other procedures as part of a mommy makeover or body contouring plan. This could include breast augmentation, lift surgery, or liposuction as well.

This surgery's recovery times depend on the extent and individual patient. Generally, most people take around two weeks off work and refrain from strenuous activity for several weeks afterward. Your surgeon will provide detailed post-operative instructions and guidance on when you can resume various activities.

Doctors Panel of Tummy Tuck

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