Cosmetic Facial Surgery

Cosmetic Facial Surgery

Both men and women seek cosmetic procedures to enhance the appearance of their face or facial features, reverse the effects of aging, limit the impact of facial aging, and regain youthfulness. At American Hospital, our cosmetic surgery experts employ state-of-the-art technology to provide the latest procedures for optimal cosmetic goals.

Cosmetic Facial Surgery can help correct a physical defect or adjust the proportions of a region that makes the individual feel uncomfortable. It can enhance your features and improve the contours of your face. It can also help fix bumps, bulges, and other physical elements that diminish your confidence.

Cosmetic changes to your face can be achieved by both surgical and non-surgical procedures. Non-surgical procedures include fillers and botox that help with facial augmentation. On the other hand, surgical procedures allow structural changes and reconstructing specific facial features like nose and ear. Facial changes like pinning back ears, reconstruction of a nose, and dermabrasion for camouflaging acne scars contribute to a positive body image. Each cosmetic surgery is intended to uplift a natural appearance of a face.

Cosmetic surgery also effectively addresses the effects of ageing - a natural phenomenon of life. For some, it is visible on the skin, and for others, it seeps beneath the skin’s surface. The drooping pockets of skin on the face and neck are the most common signs of facial aging. The loss of elasticity and volume in the skin leads to an aged appearance of the jawline too.

At American Hospital Dubai, our highly skilled facial surgery experts offer an exclusive range of surgical and non-surgical procedures to help candidates achieve their cosmetic goals as well as reverse the signs of facial ageing.

Cosmetic Procedures for Facial Aging at American Hospital:

We believe that cosmetic surgery is a balance of art and science that can help every individual achieve their desired appearance. Here’s a list of cosmetic facial procedures carried out by our cosmetic surgeons on regular basis:

• Botulinum Toxin: Better known as botox, this is a minimally invasive procedure that helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and crow's feet on the face. It is often used to restrict the tightening of the skin.
• Dermabrasion: Age spots, wrinkles, and sun damage can often leave the skin looking lifeless and saggy. Dermabrasion removes the top layer of dead cells to rejuvenate the skin with the help of a rotating brush.
• Facelift: Facelift surgery helps uplift the facial tissues to restore a youthful appearance to your face. The surgical procedure conceals facial aging to the highest degree, giving you a jolt of newfound confidence. Facelift surgery is performed under general anaesthsia. The procedure takes about 2 hours generally, but complementary procedures like brow lift can increase the duration. Incisions for the lifting procedure is made in the hairline and around the ears. Then, the muscles and tissues are dissected to lift and reposition the deeper tissues upward. The reconstruction is saved through stitches that are covered in bandages for the next 48 hours.
• Blepharoplasty: Blepharoplasty is an eyelid surgery that makes a face look less tired, young, and fresh. Depending on whether you opt for an upper, lower, or quad surgery, the Plastic Surgeons at American Hospital examine the anatomy of your face to map the change required to remove the excess tissue and skin. This procedure permanently removes the prolapsing fat around the eyes to give your face naturally rejuvenated proportions.
• Rhinoplasty: You can even get a nose job to sculpt the nose according to the rejuvenated appearance of your face. It requires finesse and experience to deliver results that look natural, and that is precisely what our team offers for each anti-aging procedure.
• Implants, Injectables, and Grafts: Implants, injectables and fat grafts are also used to restore volume on the face. They enhance the contours of your face, reduce the signs of ageing and can be reversed too.
• Prominent Ear Correction: Surgery to correct excessively protruding ears can be performed on a day-basis under either local or general anesthesia. Recovery generally involves wearing a head bandage for 5-7 days, followed by a headband whilst sleeping for the next 4-6 weeks.

Please be noted that any treatment that can do wonders for one candidate may not necessarily produce similar results for another candidate. It’s only your Plastic Surgeon who can evaluate your requirements, overall health and other factors to determine the best treatment plan for you. Also during your initial consultation with a Cosmetic Consultant at American Hospital, your doctor will discuss with you a customized treatment plan at length in order to allow you to make an informed decision about your cosmetic needs.

Things to Remember:

• After-care for facial surgery could require a few hours to a two-day stay at the hospital.
• Bandages on the face after a facelift are worn for 48 hours at least to secure the deep tissues and muscles in the new position.
• Candidates are suggested to keep the head elevated for a few weeks following the surgery. It is critical to avoid any lateral positions during sleep to avoid pressure on the wounds.
• Swelling and slight bruising may remain on the face for up to two weeks post-operation.
• It takes approximately six months to see the final results.
• Remember, rest is crucial for your recovery and healing after a procedure to reduce facial aging.

Schedule an Appointment:

American Hospital Dubai offers a personalized approach to cosmetic facial procedures for everyone. Our highly-experienced plastic surgery experts are dedicated to delivering results that go beyond your expectations. The use of the latest technology and techniques ensures minimal scarring and maximum results. The exceptional support, aftercare, and attention to detail provided by our cosmetic specialists help you develop a new sense of self-confidence as you age.
Visit American Hospital for procedures that defy facial aging and enhance the natural appearance of your face to enjoy life with a new identity and energy. Fill in the form below to book your consultation right away!

Doctors Panel of Cosmetic Facial Surgery

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