Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction

Overly large breasts can really hinder your lifestyle, and your fashion choices and even cause significant neck, shoulder, and upper back pain. In order to alleviate these issues, Plastic Surgeons at American Hospital offer breast reduction procedures to reduce the volume of the breasts. They will carefully consider a number of factors to ensure you are completely satisfied with the size, nipple position, and overall result.

Breast reduction is a common surgical procedure carried out to reshape the breasts and improve bodily proportions. This cosmetic surgery plays a critical role in addressing self-esteem issues and social anxiety faced by individuals that are unsatisfied with the contours of their chest.

A breast reduction surgery involves the removal of extra skin and tissue, which is followed by the reconstruction of the areola and repositioning of the nipple. Mastopexy (breast lift) is a common procedure aimed at overcoming the sagging and dropping of the breast associated with aging, pregnancy, or breastfeeding. This may involve repositioning the nipple-areola complex, molding breast tissue, and re-draping breast skin for a more youthful appearance.

Why Do I Need Breast Reduction Surgery?

The female body undergoes countless changes due to the hormonal fluctuations faced during puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and weight loss. In some cases, it can leave women with the choice of getting a reduction to maintain their comfort.

Breast reduction surgery is sought for many reasons which generally include:

• Volume reduction of breasts felt to be out of proportion or larger than the rest of the body
• Improve the contour and shape of the chest
• Achieve symmetry for uneven curves
• Reduce breast size to feel more comfortable
• Improve body image and self-esteem affected by the size of the chest

Our experienced cosmetic surgeons at American Hospital take time to understand your cosmetic goals and then guide you through every step of the process so you can make an informed decision about the procedure.

How Is Breast Reduction Performed?

Breast reduction is an extensive procedure, and it may require the candidate to stay in the hospital for a night, depending on their recovery. General anesthesia is administered to the patient while surgeons make incisions on their chest.

Cosmetic surgeons mostly cut around the areola. The incision is then deepened along the natural curvature to remove the excess skin and tissue. Once the structural changes are complete, the areola and nipple are reshaped according to the new proportion.

Surgeons at the American Hospital Dubai ensure that the breast reduction surgery does not isolate the nipple from the nerves and blood vessels they are originally connected to.
Recovery Timeline:

• The recovery timeline differs from person to person, according to the surgery performed. Fatigue, pain, and soreness can be expected for the immediate hours after surgery. Pain medication and sports bras often come in handy during this stage.
• Due to the high dosage of general anesthesia involved, women are unable to drive for the first two days. However, it is advised to start driving according to the progress of the recovery.
• Discomfort continues throughout the first week which can be improved via pain relief medications. Initial leakage and bleeding is normal and will stop once the bruising and swelling subsides.
• By the third week, the swelling moves towards the stomach. The pain may worsen at night but can still be managed. You can increase your movements and even get back to work if you do not have a physically demanding job.
• Some numbness and tingling can be felt between the fourth and sixth weeks. The muscles begin to heal, your nerves begin to wake up. This is the perfect time to get back to your normal routine.
• Beyond the six-week mark, your breasts start looking natural. You can start strenuous workouts and physical pursuits after this milestone.

Things to Remember:

• Women are suggested to wear a sports bra for the first three months after a breast enlargement/reduction surgery.
• It takes around six months for the breasts to heal and retain a natural shape and contour.
• The wound must be kept clean with regular application of topical treatments recommended by cosmetic specialists to avoid visible scarring.
• The scar tissue starts fading after six weeks. It is beneficial to avoid direct sunlight.
• It is ideal to sleep upright or on the back during the early days of recuperation. Lateral positions can be dangerous for the newly reconstructed region.

Schedule an Appointment:

American Hospital is among the fewer healthcare providers in the region that enjoys a unique reputation for breast enlargement/reduction procedures. Our cosmetic surgery team comprises highly experienced and board-certified surgeons with a demonstrated history of delivering optimal results and winning customers’ satisfaction.

We use the latest technology and techniques to ensure that you receive the desired results. These procedures are meant to boost your confidence and make you satisfied with your body.

If you seek more information about breast augmentation or breast reduction procedures, book an appointment with a Plastic Surgeon at American Hospital Dubai using our secure web form.

Doctors Panel of Breast Reduction

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