Pediatric Surgery

Pediatric Surgery

The Department of Pediatric Surgery is guided by the vision to provide children with optimal care and treatments within a safe environment. Discover the treatment options being provided by our expert Pediatric Surgeons at American Hospital Dubai.

Children, just as adults, are susceptible to multitudes of illnesses and injuries, which in some cases may require surgery. In such cases, it is important to find the right doctors who specialize in Pediatric surgery so that your child is well taken care of and is in trustworthy hands.

Pediatric surgery is a subsection of general surgery in the field of medicine that is specifically for the diagnosis and treatment of children from infancy to teenage. Pediatric surgeons often see a wide variety of surgical problems in children that are quite different than those in adults which is why pediatric surgeons go through special training to perform surgeries on infants and children.

There can be many reasons why a child could require surgery, e.g., hernia, serious injuries, transplantation and much more. The Department of Pediatric Surgery at American Hospital Dubai is designed to provide children with optimal care and treatment for specific surgical concerns.

Why is Pediatric Surgery needed?

The surgical needs and care of children is not the same as adults for a number of reasons. Pediatric surgeons are trained in treating birth defects, taking care of infants that need immediate attention and are also equipped at detecting any abnormalities in the fetus before birth and perform utero surgeries.
Pediatric surgeons deliver child centered care and create a friendly environment that is better suited for the emotional needs of a child as well as their family to soothe anxiety and stress.
Pediatric surgeons are skilled at performing surgery for a number of less severe as well as complex conditions in children. Hernia and appendix removal are quite common conditions that require surgery, however, illnesses such as cancer, heart defects and urologic conditions are also cases that pediatric surgeons deal with.

Pediatric Conditions We Treat:

At American Hospital Dubai, we have a team of doctors who specialize in treating a number of pediatric conditions. Below is a list of common conditions that we treat:

• Appendicitis and gall bladder issues
• Intestinal surgery including congenital malformations
• Neck masses and lumps
• Fundoplication
• Placement of feeding tubes (gastrostomy)
• Placement of implanted central lines and ports
• Hernia and hydrocele (groin swelling) in children
• Undescended testis – surgical treatment is usually recommended around 9 months of age
• Circumcision – any age, under local or general anesthesia
• Fecal incontinence
• Laparoscopic surgery: It involves a telescope with a video camera to make tiny incisions on the abdomen for surgical instruments to pass through and reach the surgical area.
• Scarless surgery: This surgery involves an endoscope that is inserted through the umbilicus (which is a naturally existing scar) to approach the surgical area. Special instruments are deployed through an endoscope to perform the surgery. Patients usually have no apparent abdominal scarring.
• Robotic surgery: It involves a robot arm that assists the surgeon in performing the surgery with great precision.

Pediatric Thoracic Surgery

American Hospital Dubai offers state-of-the-art technology and expert pediatric surgeons who are skilled in treating a number of pediatric thoracic conditions. The Department of Pediatric Surgery aims to provide its patients with effective care and treatments that are well-suited to their needs.

Explore more about Pediatric Thoracic Surgery

Pediatric Surgical Services at American Hospital:

Our board-certified team of doctors at The Department for Pediatric Surgery offer services that are driven by state-of-the-art technology so that children are provided with a more accurate diagnosis and precise treatment options. Our Pediatric Surgeons employ the following minimally invasive surgical techniques for conditions that require surgical intervention:

• Laparoscopic surgery
• Thoracoscopic surgery
• Endosurgery and scar-less surgery
• Robotic surgery

Book an Appointment:

At American Hospital Dubai, our priority is to provide our pediatric patients with optimal care. Our team of board-certified pediatric surgeons use world-class technology to diagnose and treat a wide array of pediatric conditions. If you would like to consult with one of our doctors regarding your child’s treatment and care, you can book an appointment with us through the form provided on our website.

Doctors Panel of Pediatric Surgery

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