Chiropractic Treatment for Pain Relief

Chiropractic Treatment for Pain Relief

If you’re sick and tired of being in pain, find out how chiropractic care can be right for you. Our chiropractic facility provides expert non-surgical treatment options to relieve pain and immobility, and improve strength and performance in daily life activities.

Chiropractic care involves using spinal alignment to alleviate various physical ailments, such as: acute or chronic pain and muscle strain in back, neck and spine. This non-invasive solution for pain relief is accomplished by applying controlled but sudden pressure on joints to adjust the position of the spinal column to its proper shape. It is often used in conjunction with conventional medical treatment, and considered safe and effective treatment.

The Chiropractic care is recommended especially for sudden injuries or acute low back pain – the type of back pain that may result from moving heavy objects, getting tackled, or during an accident. In addition, the chiropractic treatment can be used to manage migraines and headaches, sciatica pain, carpal tunnel, pregnancy, and other physical ailments.
At American Hospital Dubai, we provide a cutting-edge Chiropractic Treatment by enhancing a person’s dysfunction or movement impairment to reduce pain and immobility, and improve their strength and performance. Our qualified Chiropractors offer care for patients of all ages with a wide range of physical injuries and musculoskeletal system disorders.

Conditions Chiropractors Treat:

Multiple types of research provide evidence for chiropractic care to be helpful in treating pain and managing headaches. Our chiropractors specialize in providing care for the following conditions:

  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Spinal injury
  • Headaches
  • Arm and Leg Pain/Numbness
  • Sciatica
  • Sports Injuries
  • Injuries related to auto accidents
  • Work-related Injuries (such as moving heavy items)
  • Injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system, involving the muscles, ligaments, and joints

In addition, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia also respond well to the moderate pressure applied by Chiropractors. However, this treatment isn’t meant for every patient with the conditions listed above. Only thorough diagnostic testing can help the medical doctor to assess if the treatment is effective for the patient.
Chiropractic Care at American Hospital Dubai:
Whether you’ve been injured in an accident, banged up from everyday routine, or seeking ways to enhance your daily performance, our specialized chiropractic treatment system can help you return to your active lifestyle.

The chiropractic treatment begins with a diagnosis of your pain that involves your medical history, physical examination to identify any medical illnesses, traumatic/surgical history, and/or ongoing medications/treatments. Once the diagnosis is established, your Chiropractic may advise on lab tests or diagnostic imaging to determine a personalized treatment plan.
The goal of chiropractic care at American Hospital Dubai is to restore function and prevent injury in addition to relieve pain. This is why our treatment plans for spinal, neck, and/or back pain may incorporate:

  • One or more manual corrections by the doctor who adjusts the joint and improves its motion by using a controlled and sudden force
  • Diet and Nutritional counseling
  • Exercise/rehabilitation
  • Healthy habits
  • Occupational and lifestyle modifications

Schedule Your Appointment:

We provide excellent expert Chiropractic care in a patient-friendly and state-of-the-art facility at American Hospital Dubai. To check whether or not your condition will improve with chiropractic or other pain relief alternatives, schedule an appointment with our Medical Doctors by using our secure online form today!

Doctors Panel of Chiropractic Treatment for Pain Relief

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