Tearduct Obstruction

Tearduct Obstruction

Tear duct obstruction can be an irritating condition for those experiencing it. Learn how this condition is being treated by our expert doctors through safe procedures with positive results.

It is important for our eyes to properly drain the tears that work in moisturising our eyes through a tiny opening called the tear duct. Tear ducts, also called nasolacrimal ducts, are found in the corner of our eyes and are designed to easily drain tears through the nose.
However, if these tear ducts are either partially or completely obstructed, our tears are prevented from draining through the system in a normal manner thus creating a backflow of tears. This backflow then results in teary and itchy eyes that release excess discharge. Tear duct obstruction has been known to occur in about 5% of children but the condition has a 90% chance of self-resolving during the infant’s first year of life. A tear duct that is narrow can at times cause a partially blocked tear duct. This partial blockage may also be a cause for infection in the eyes. At American Hospital Dubai we offer some of the best treatments when it comes to Paediatric Ophthalmology and have eye specialists who have helped several patients with their eye conditions including Tear Duct Obstruction.

Symptoms and Causes of Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction:

A common symptom of Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction is excessive discharge from the eyes. Other symptoms of blocked tear ducts in infants can be:

• Redness around the eye area
• Tears not draining out of the inner corner of the eyes
• Tears gathering in the inner corner of the eyes
• Mucus or pus in the eye
• Swelling in the inner corner of the eyes
• Crusting near the eyelids

Blocked tear ducts can occur at any age although it is most common in infants. Causes of tear duct obstruction are:

• Narrow tear ducts
• Infection – sinus or eye infections
• Incomplete development of the tear duct
• Absent puncta (the upper and lower eyelid)
• Injury
• Tumors

Diagnosis and Treatment of Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction:

To properly diagnose Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction your ophthalmologist will ask for a detailed medical history in addition to performing tests in order to examine the lacrimal system. Testing may include the following:

• Tear drainage test: An eye dye is dropped into your eyes and the doctor examines whether the dye is drained through the system normally or not.
• Irrigation: Irrigation is used to clean out the tear ducts by using a fluid to relieve the obstruction.
• Eye imaging: A dye is added to the eye that safely travels in the tear drainage system. The dye then allows for any blockage to clearly appear on X-ray’s, CT Scans and MRIs.

If an infant is experiencing a blocked tear duct it may resolve on its own in 90% of the cases by one year of age. However, a membrane may still mechanically block the tear ducts. In this case your Paediatric Ophthalmologist will recommend an eyelid massage that can help release this membrane. If the condition still persists, the doctor may use balloon catheters, dilation or flushing to clear out the blocked tear ducts.

Book an Appointment:

If your child is experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, please contact our experienced doctors through the form provided on our website. Our team of eye specialists and Paediatric Ophthalmologists will offer the right treatment options suited to your needs after carefully diagnosing the condition through eye exams and tests. If you decide to choose our expert team of doctors at American Hospital Dubai, you will surely be provided by excellent healthcare services that will definitely exhibit positive results.

Doctors Panel of Tearduct Obstruction

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