Pediatric Glaucoma

Pediatric Glaucoma

Pediatric Glaucoma refers to an optical complication in a child that is developed when an optic nerve is damaged. This can occur for a number of reasons; especially when eyes receive continuous pressure (called the intraocular pressure) mainly due to a fault in the drainage system of the eye. Just like in adults, pediatric glaucoma can lead to significant vision loss if left untreated. This is why it’s imperative to get a child checked and treated for glaucoma as soon as (s)he starts complaining about eye issues.

The treatment of Pediatric Glaucoma is determined by the type of glaucoma diagnosed. There are four main types of this condition, known as:

Congenital Glaucoma: The most common glaucoma type in children, it is established when a baby is diagnosed with Glaucoma at birth. There is a number of treatment options available for this type of glaucoma. These include:

  • Goniotomy/Trabeculotomy
  • Trabeculectomy
  • Glaucoma Drainage Device Procedures
  • Micropulse Cyclophotocoagulation

Goniotomy and Trabeculotomy are called angle surgeries and are mostly recommended as first-choice treatment methods for Congenital Glaucoma. In both procedures, an opening is either made or fixed to allow a better drainage system of optical fluids. The main difference between them is that Trabeculotomy is recommended for infants with corneal haze and Goniotomy for the ones with clear corneas. In case the cornea is no longer clear (or in case the angle surgeries are not effective), Trabeculectomy is recommended which serves the same purpose but has a different approach. Another possible procedure, Glaucoma Drainage Device, is well established and is claimed to provide similar results depending on the case. In case none of the above operations are successful, the last resort is Micropulse Cyclophotocoagulation. These procedures intend to diminish the intraocular pressure by decreasing the amount of fluid produced in the eyes of the child.

Infantile Glaucoma: Infantile glaucoma is developed in a child within about 24 months of its birth. The same treatment options are recommended for it as they are for congenital glaucoma.

Secondary to Cataract Removal: This occurs after a child undergoes congenital cataract surgery. Glaucoma usually develops within the first 5 years of the surgery. The procedure to treat this condition is with Glaucoma Drainage Devices.

Juvenile Glaucoma:

The last type, Juvenile, is when glaucoma develops after 3 whole years of the child’s birth. It is similar to the other glaucoma types in terms of characteristics but unlike them all, it is extremely rare and barely exhibits any apparent symptoms. Males and children with family histories of Glaucoma are more likely to experience this. The first-choice treatment for Juvenile Glaucoma is Trabeculectomy or Glaucoma Drainage Device Surgery including minimally invasive approaches. Apart from the surgery, different medications may be used to treat this condition.

A further division of Glaucoma can be done, as Primary and Secondary glaucoma. Primary is when glaucoma occurs from an unknown cause while secondary is when glaucoma occurs due to another disease or a complication.

Schedule an Appointment:

If you search for Glaucoma treatment for your child or seek a second option on Pediatric Glaucoma Treatment, we invite you to schedule an appointment with our eye care specialist at American Hospital Dubai. Our Ophthalmologists have a wealth of experience and expertise in diagnosing and treating all kinds of optical issues including Glaucoma through a comprehensive Glaucoma Screening Investigation and Treatment program. Book an appointment with an eye care specialist by using our online form today!

Doctors Panel of Pediatric Glaucoma

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