Seizures and Epilepsy Treatment

Seizures and Epilepsy Treatment

What is epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes seizures due to an electrical disruption in the brain.

During a seizure, a person experiences uncontrollable body movements such as jerking arms and legs, stiffness, loss of consciousness, or altered consciousness and sensations.

Seizures And Epilepsy Treatment

Typically, the brain generates tiny, continuous, and steady electrical impulses carried by the nerve cells or neurons to the body. In an epileptic seizure, the brain’s out-of-rhythm electrical signals or bursts of uncoordinated electrical activity lead to sudden changes in body behavior and consciousness. It’s akin to an electrical circuit tripping and causing an outage.

What is the difference between epilepsy and seizure?

Epilepsy is the name of the disorder that leads to seizures. In other words, epilepsy is the condition, and a seizure is its result.

What are the symptoms of epilepsy? What happens during an epileptic seizure?

The symptoms of epileptic seizures vary. Some people may exhibit signs like staring into space or being unresponsive, while others may show uncontrollable spasms and fall unconscious. There are different types of epileptic seizures, each with its symptoms (see below for types of epileptic seizures)

In general, the signs and symptoms of a person having an epileptic seizure or a fit include the following:

  1. Uncontrollable shaking and jerking of the body. (It is called having a fit).
  2. Altered sensations of smells, tastes, or tingling in body parts.
  3. Breathing problems or temporary cessation of breathing.
  4. Loss of bowel or bladder control
  5. Not responding to noise or words.
  6. Staring into space or loss of awareness of surroundings.
  7. Body stiffness.
  8. Loss of consciousness or fainting.
  9. Confusion.

What causes epilepsy?

It is not known what exactly causes the nerve cells in the brain to get damaged and trigger epileptic seizures, but the following factors play a significant role:

  1. Genetic factors may increase the chances of abnormal brain cell communication.
  2. Head injuries.
  3. Brain infections such as meningitis and encephalitis.
  4. Auto-immune disorders.
  5. Brain developmental disorders (in babies).
  6. Mesial temporal sclerosis. (Scar formation in part of the brain near the ear).
  7. Metabolic disorders.
  8. Brain tumors, strokes, dementia.
  9. Family history of epilepsy or fever-related seizures.

What can trigger epileptic seizures?

People predisposed to having epileptic fits may be more susceptible due to the following:

  1. Flashing lights or patterns.
  2. Illnesses.
  3. Drugs.
  4. Hormonal fluctuations.
  5. Specific medications.
  6. Irregular epilepsy medications.
  7. Dehydration.
  8. Vitamin deficiencies.
  9. Stimulants like caffeine and alcohol.

What are the types of epileptic seizures?

Seizures are mainly classified into three kinds:

  1. Generalized seizures: These are caused by an electrical malfunction in both sides of the brain and can be movement (motor) or non-movement (non-motor) related. The signs and symptoms include jerky movements, limp or stiff muscles, muscle twitching, spasms, staring into space, unresponsive stillness, etc.
  2. Focal seizures: These are caused by different areas in only one side of the brain. The signs and symptoms include jerking, the lip of rigid muscles, spasms, repeated motions such as chewing or lip-smacking, changes in sensation, emotions (sudden joy or fear), and cognition, and changes in autonomic body functions such as feeling hot or cold, increased heartbeat, etc., and with or without loss of consciousness. Temporary vision loss and hallucinations may also occur.

  3. Unknown seizures: These episodes cannot be attributed to the above categories because the symptoms could not be observed.

What are the treatments for epilepsy?

Treatments to control seizures depend on the type of epilepsy, seizure cause and origin site in the brain.

Treatments include:

  1. Anti-epileptic drugs. (These help to control the degree of uncoordinated electrical messages in the affected brain cells to reduce seizures.
  2. Diet therapy. (Certain diets, such as a high-protein or ketogenic diet, are shown to reduce the incidence of seizures)
  3. Surgery. (Surgical procedure depends on which part of the brain is affected and causing seizures and is only recommended after detailed and thorough diagnostic evaluation).
  4. Inserting tiny electrical devices inside the body to control seizures through neurostimulation.

American Hospital Dubai has the best epilepsy doctors and offers the best treatments to control seizures

Our highly experienced neurologists and epilepsy doctors use the most advanced methods to diagnose, evaluate and treat people with epilepsy with utmost care.

We know every case is different, and you deserve a 100% personalized treatment plan and guidance to control your symptoms and restore your confidence. Our neurologists keep abreast of the emerging research in epilepsy and neurological breakthroughs to provide you with the most advanced care.

Our expertise, state-of-the-art facilities, and multi-disciplinary and integrative treatment approach ensure you get the most effective treatment program to help you get back to your routine quickly and safely.

