Hernia Treatment

Hernia Treatment

Sometimes a hernia can lead to life-threatening conditions if it’s not treated adequately or promptly. Make the best health decisions with American Hospital Dubai Surgical Staff who specializes in minimally invasive hernia surgery to effectively address hiatal hernia, inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia, incisional and other types using the latest techniques that can help eliminate discomfort, prevent complications and minimize the risks so that the patients may return to their normal lives.

What are Hernias?

Hernias are caused by a combination of pressure and muscle weakness; they occur when a fatty tissue squeezes through a weak spot and develops pressure in the abdominal wall, which causes the small intestine to protrude, and a bulge or lump appears in the affected areas such as the groin, umbilicus, and/or surgical incision when it’s not properly closed. If the intestine is not returned to its proper place and the weakened area is not fixed, the contents of the hernia may spread around the abdominal wall and cause an interruption in the blood supply to surrounding tissues.

Hernias can happen to anyone at any stage; they are present at birth or developed later in life, and grow large over time. If suspected signs and symptoms are present, it’s essential to get a timely hernia treatment to prevent discomfort and comorbidities as the untreated lumps may lead to serious health issues such as necrotizing enterocolitis – a severe intestinal inflammation, or even become a life-threatening condition such as sepsis.

Types of Hernias:
The most common types of Hernias are hiatal hernia, inguinal hernia, incisional hernia, umbilical hernia, ventral hernia, and femoral hernia. In a hiatal hernia, a portion of the stomach protrudes through the hiatus and next to the esophagus passes.  

An inguinal hernia occurs mostly in men owing to a natural weakness in the groin area. In this case, the intestine or the bladder passes through the abdominal wall and enters the inguinal canal in the groin.

The incisional hernia occurs when the incision from the previous abdominal surgery is not adequately closed, and the intestine squeezes through the abdominal wall at the site of the incision.

The umbilical hernia is quite common in newborns, and it appears like a belly button bulge. It is developed when a part of the small intestine pushes through the abdominal wall around the belly button.

A femoral hernia develops in the groin by poor wound healing after a surgical operation or heavy lifting and is common in pregnant and obese women.

In a ventral hernia, a weak spot in the abdomen causes an abnormal protrusion into a cavity muscle area.

Over the years, Hernia Treatment Dubai options have significantly evolved from conventional incisional surgery to minimally invasive surgical interventions and robotic surgery.

Why is Hernia Treatment Important?

Hernias will not go away by themselves, and they would rather require surgery to be treated because of the risk of leading to a potentially fatal condition called strangulation. This particular complication occurs when the abnormal protrusion gets trapped outside and can’t return to its place, it interrupts the blood supply to the tissues inside the hernia and subsequently leads to the death of those tissues. Even without this complication, hernia should not be left untreated but repaired promptly before it grows in size and volume. The older and larger lumps bring more discomfort to the body and make hernia operation more challenging.

Choose Us for Hernia Surgery Dubai:

We remain committed to providing our patients with safe and effective solutions for the treatment of various types of hernia. Our preference is a resolution of your health problem most safely and comfortably. Our surgeons possess a wealth of skills and expertise to perform complex and delicate surgical procedures with great precision. You may book an appointment with our care providers using our online form for any surgical interventions with complete confidence.

Doctors Panel of Hernia Treatment

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