Covid-19 Post Screening

Covid-19 Post Screening

Post Covid Screening in Dubai

With the emergence of new variants of the coronavirus, it has been difficult for medical experts to determine what kind of side effects the virus can have on our bodies even after we have recovered from the major symptoms. Read on to learn about the post-covid screening facility at American Hospital Dubai.

One of the symptoms of the virus is the loss of taste and smell, and for some people that can persist long after they have recovered. This means that even after the virus exits our bodies, there is a chance that it may cause certain changes that can have long-term effects on our health. In order to determine the effects that the coronavirus has on multiple parts of our bodies, medical specialists encourage people to consider taking post covid screening tests because our blood and the immune system are able to let us know to what extent the virus has affected our bodies.

Our medical experts at the American Hospital Dubai offer a wide spectrum of services pertaining to Covid-19 and can help guide you with the right course of action if you have been infected by the virus. If you have gone through the recovery period for the coronavirus, it is important to take the following covid screening tests to better monitor your health so that any additional concerns can be avoided:

• IgG antibody tests: After you have recovered from the coronavirus, your body will naturally develop antibodies which will help in the prevention of further infections. It is best to get tested for antibodies at least two weeks after you have recovered. Getting tested for antibodies can let us know how well our immune system has developed and if we are eligible for plasma donation or not.

• CBC tests: A complete blood work after you have recovered from the coronavirus will help you to determine how effectively your body fought off the virus. A CBC test can also help guide you regarding any further preventative measures you might need to take depending on your health.

• Neuro-function examination: Multiple Covid-19 patients often develop neurological symptoms long after they have recovered. Medical experts believe that such symptoms are a cause for serious concern and that more people should undergo neurological testing a few weeks after their recovery period has ended. Some of the neurological symptoms after Covid-19 can include anxiety, dizziness, fatigue, tremors and brain fog.

• Cardiac screenings: Covid-19 can cause inflammation across the body which in turn can weaken our heart muscles. A common post-Covid health issue that has been seen in many people is myocarditis which occurs when the heart muscles are inflamed. For people who have existing heart conditions, Covid might even prove to be more fatal which is why it is important to get imaging scans and screenings done to avoid further complications.

What precautions to take after recovering from Covid?

People who have recovered from Covid should try not to take part in strenuous activities that would require more physical exertion. Though exercising regularly is important, it should also not be overdone. Keeping a healthy diet should also be a top priority to boost up your immune system. Research suggests that the coronavirus can also affect our cognitive thinking abilities which is why mentally stimulating exercising such as playing memory games or making puzzles should also be included in your post-recovery routine. Jumping back to your normal life may prove difficult and you should give your body at least a few months to let it heal completely.

Book an Appointment:

If you are in the post-recovery stages of the coronavirus and are experiencing health issues, you can come in for a consultation with one of our medical experts at American Hospital Dubai who are experts at diagnosing and treating a wide variety of Covid related conditions. Our team of doctors strives to give their patients excellent medical treatments in Dubai and we can guarantee that if you choose American Hospital, you will certainly be satisfied with our healthcare services.

Doctors Panel of Covid-19 Post Screening

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