Mayo Clinic is a non-profit organization that is committed to providing comprehensive care to everyone who needs healing. It extends its knowledge, expertise and resource to carefully screened and selected, high-quality international healthcare organizations – such as American Hospital in Dubai – that share its commitment to patient-centered care.

Through the Mayo Clinic Care Network, doctors from every medical specialty work together to advance medical knowledge through research and education and apply that knowledge to medical care. It is the first and largest integrated group practice in the world, drawing from teams of more than 4,000 physicians and scientists and nearly 60,000 allied health staff to listen, understand and care for patients’ health issues and concerns.


In 2016, American Hospital became the first healthcare organization in the Middle East to join the Mayo Clinic Care Network.

Mayo Clinic has three major campuses in the United States, in Minnesota, Florida, and Arizona, as well as a wholly-owned community health system. However, it recognizes that people prefer to get their healthcare close to home and, in 2011, launched the Mayo Clinic Care Network to help people gain the benefits of Mayo Clinic expertise without having to travel to a Mayo Clinic facility. The network consists of like-minded organizations that share a common commitment to improving the delivery of healthcare in their communities through high-quality, data-driven, evidence-based medical care.

Members are invited to join the network after a comprehensive evaluation that includes clinical excellence, patient care, and quality criteria. The Mayo Clinic Care Network has 40 members. These independent high-quality organizations are based across the United States and in Mexico, Singapore, and the UAE.

The American Hospital's mission is to provide high quality American standard healthcare that meets the needs and exceeds the expectations of the people of Dubai, the UAE, and the surrounding Gulf States. We operate to these standards, every day, in everything we do.

All American Hospital physicians are North American Board Certified or of equivalent Western training, ensuring the expertise to fulfill our patients’ medical requirements in comfortable and reassuring surroundings.


The Mayo Clinic Care Network is a collaboration between Mayo Clinic and other high quality health care organizations. Through this network, your healthcare team at home has easy access to Mayo Clinic knowledge and expertise.

As part of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, your health care providers at American Hospital can consult with Mayo Clinic specialists using digital technology. This allows consultant doctors to connect to review complex cases and provide additional helpful input.

Mayo Clinic Care Network members have access to electronic tools that enable their medical professionals to collaborate with Mayo Clinic:

  • AskMayoExpert is an online point-of-care tool designed by Mayo Clinic physicians. This clear, concise resource offers disease management, care guidelines, treatment recommendations and reference materials for a wide variety of medical conditions.
  • eConsult serves to connect American Hospital physicians with Mayo Clinic experts should they desire additional input regarding a patient’s care.
  • eTumor Boards are live teleconferences that allow American Hospital physicians to participate in and discuss the management of complex cancer cases with teams of Mayo Clinic specialists.

No, That is not neccessary. Your American Hospital physician will share your assessment findings and test results (your medical record) with Mayo specialists through a secured electronic system. Only those records and information neccessary for the eConsult will be shared and only after obtaining your permission to share this information.

Yes. Patient privacy is a priority, and we have safeguards in place to protect your health information. Anything shared with Mayo Clinic related to patient care is sent through a secure electronic connection and remains confidential.

Mayo Clinic doctors don’t schedule appointments with patients through the Mayo Clinic Care Network. The network serves to connect your American Hospital healthcare team and the specialists at Mayo Clinic. As they work together, you’ll benefit from access to the latest medical expertise close to home.

Your American Hospital healthcare providers use eConsults to obtain input from Mayo Clinic specialists when they believe it would be helpful. If you have questions about your care, talk with your American Hospital physician.

Yes. Your healthcare providers will continue to care for you personally. You’ll benefit as American Hospital physicians have quick access to the latest Mayo-vetted medical expertise, and are able to consult directly with Mayo Clinic specialists for input on complex cases.

There is no obligation for referrals to Mayo Clinic. The primary goal of American Hospital and Mayo Clinic, through the Mayo Clinic Care Network, is to help more patients gain the benefits of Mayo Clinic knowledge close to home, minimising the need travel outside the region for specialty care.

Mayo Clinic shares the breadth and depth of its specialty expertise to members through the Care Network.

No. American Hospital Dubai pays for the clinically based services it uses from Mayo Clinic. There is no additional cost to the patient.

You may still need to travel for specialty care, should your American Hospital team determine it neccessary. However, by sharing medical expertise through the Mayo Clinic Care Network, the goal of your American Hospital physician and Mayo Clinic is that you will remain close to home for your care whenever possible.

No. Members of Mayo Clinic Care Network are independent and locally owned and controlled. The purpose of the network is to connect members with Mayo Clinic so that they can work together to provide the best possible care when and where patients need it.

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