Normal Delivery Package

Normal Delivery Package

Normal Delivery Package

Following Services are included in the Package:

The following Services are covered under the Package (with 2 days stay)

  • Delivery Fees
  • Delivery Suite
  • CBC x 2
  • Type and Hold
  • Baby’s blood group
  • PKU (PHENYLALANINE Screening) for new born baby
  • Routine Medications (Mother and Baby) up to a total of Dhs. 450
  • Routine Medical Consumables (Mother and Baby) up to a total of Dhs. 1,500
  • Post Delivery Room – Mother (2 days)
  • Post Delivery Nursery – Baby (2 days)
  • Rounding Fees – Obstetrician (2 days)
  • Pediatrician’s Fees (Post-Delivery Visit & Discharge Visit)
  • Post Partum Visit for Mother (after 6 weeks of delivery)
  • First Pediatrician Clinic visit at one week for Baby
  • Audiogram for Baby

If the Mother is twin bearing there will be an additional charge of Dhs. 2,050 which is inclusive of:

  • Post Delivery Nursery – Baby (2 days)
  • Baby’s blood group
  • Pediatrician’s Fees (Post Delivery Visit and Discharge Visit)
  • First Pediatrician Clinic Visit at one week for Baby
  • Audiogram for Baby
  1. Any test, procedure, visit, medication or consumables other than the ones mentioned above, will be charged for separately.
  2. The Package does not include Epidural Anesthesia for which the fee is Dhs.3,770.
  3. Any additional tests, medications or stay due to complications will be charged separately.
  4. The Package does not include baby vaccines. Approx Dhs. 300
  5. The Package does not include Circumcision.
  6. The Package does not include Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) charges for the baby, any extra resuscitation required for the baby, or extra tests that may need to be performed.
  7. If the husband or a relative stays overnight in the patient’s room, there is a charge of Dhs. 193 per day overnight stay, and extra charges for any meals ordered.


  1. If you deliver before 11 :00 p.m. that is included as the first night.
  2. There will be an extra charge if the Pediatrician attends the delivery.
  3. In the unfortunate circumstances where the Pediatrician has to perform any resuscitation of the baby at delivery, there will be an extra charge.
  4. If you require an emergency C-Section, there will still be charge for Anesthesia, even if you have already paid for an epidural in labor, as these are two separate Anesthetics.
  5. If there is a switch from a Normal delivery to a C-Section delivery, the C-Section Delivery Package cost will be charged.
  6. The routine Post Partum Screen for the newborn only includes screening for Phenylketonuria, Thyroid Disease & Galactosemia.


  1. The Self Pay Patient is required to pay the entire Package price in advance to the Hospital at the time of signing up.
  2. Pre-authorization from the insurance company/TPA and corporate is required for the package.

For more details on the Maternity Packages, please contact the Admission Office



✓ Valid
Male Female

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