Nairah Rasul-Syed

Dr. Nairah Rasul-Syed has over 10 years’ experience in clinical medicine across the UK NHS and in the UAE, in both hospital medicine and outpatient primary care settings. She has previously worked in numerous clinical specialties including Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry, and Primary Care. Dr Rasul-Syed is a graduate of Guy’s King’s and St Thomas’s School of Medicine at King’s College London and attained Membership of the UK Royal College of General Practitioners in 2012. She holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Safety, Quality, Informatics and Leadership from Harvard Medical School in Boston and an MBA from the Business School of Imperial College London. Dr Rasul-Syed is also the author of a published textbook of primary care which is endorsed by the UK Royal College of General Practitioners. She consults with patients of all ages and backgrounds either in-person or using telehealth and recognizes the importance of treating the patient as a whole in the context of their personal psychosocial circumstances. She also recognizes the importance of lifestyle in improving health and preventing disease and enjoys helping patients manage long term conditions, in line with the latest medical evidence.

Spoken Languages : English, Urdu
Types of Physician : Full-time
DHA License : Consultant Family Medicine
Branches : Mira Clinic


  • MBBS, King's College London University, UK, MRCGP,
  • Royal college of General practitioners, UK,
  • CCT, General Medical Council, UK,
  • MBA, Imperial College London Business School, UK,

Professional Associations:

  • Member of the Royal College of General Practitioners UK

Professional Experience:

  • GP, NHS, UK,
  • Consultant Family Medicine, Health point hospital, Mubadala, UAE
  • Consultant Family Medicine, Aetna International, UAE,

Clinical Expertise & Services Offered:

  • Common ear, nose and throat conditions (coughs & colds)
  • Chronic disease management (diabetes, hypertension, thyroid, hyperlipidemia)
  • Health screening & Promotion in all age groups
  • Child Health
  • Musculoskeletal disorders
  • Mental Health
  • Common skin conditions
  • Women’s Health
