Melanie Schlatter

Dr Melanie Schlatter (PhD) is a New Zealand Health Psychologist, who has worked in Dubai for many years. She is trained in the psychology of health, disease and treatment processes. She has post-graduate qualifications in psychology, pharmacology and rehabilitation; doctoral research in the psychoneuroimmunology of breast cancer; she helps to run psychosocial support groups for cancer patients; has past university teaching experience, as well as publications in several leading international journals.

Spoken Languages : English
Types of Physician : Full-time
DHA License : Consultant Clinical Health Psychologist
Branches : American Hospital Dubai


  • PGDipHlthPsych, University of Auckland, New Zealand
  • PhD (Psychology), University of Auckland, New Zealand
  • PGDipRehab , Wellington School of Medicine, New Zealand
  • MSc (Pharmacology), University of Otago, New Zealand
  • DipGradPsych, University of Otago, New Zealand
  • BSc (Psych), University of Otago, New Zealand

Professional Experience:

  • Clinical Health Psychologist, Well Woman Clinic, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Honorary Research Fellow, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Clinical Expertise & Services Offered:

  • Trained in helping adults, with or without illness, to cope with emotional difficulties, such as stress, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, grief and lifestyle management.
  • For cancer/oncology patients: coping with the initial shock of a diagnosis; management of surgery and side effects of treatment, such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy; and navigation of family issues resulting from diagnosis and prognosis.
