Bhanupiriya Mahadevan

Over 7 years of total experience in Speech & Language, Feeding and Swallowing cases spanning across 3 countries; 2 years of clinical experience as a Feeding, Swallowing and Voice Therapist, managing adult, neonate, and pediatric cases in a hospital setting in India. Over 3 years of working experience in managing caseloads in various settings, center-based, hospital-based, and housecall setting in Malaysia. Completed 2.5 years in the UAE managing feeding and swallowing cases and working with different nationalities from Syria, Serbia, Kazakhstan, the US, Canada, Germany, Saudi Arabia, and many other clients from various parts of the world. I have worked across 3 different countries with various cultures, traditions, and managed different language cases. Specializing in neonates, pediatric, adult, and geriatric care, with a focus on early intervention for feeding and swallowing disorders. Experienced and discharged many voice cases from diplophonia, puberphonia, hoarseness, muscle tension dysphonia, and breathy voice successfully. Strong communicator and collaborator, committed to delivering exceptional care and empowering individuals to achieve the best communication and swallowing outcomes.

Spoken Languages : English, Malay, Tamil
Types of Physician : Full-time
DHA License : Speech Therapist
Branches : American Hospital Dubai


  • Master of Science in Deglutology and Swallowing Disorders, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, India
  • Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology, University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

Professional Experience:

  • Speech, Feeding, Voice and Swallowing Therapist, American Hospital Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Speech, Feeding and Swallowing Therapist, Hope Abilitation Medical Center, United Arab Emirates
  • Speech and Swallowing Therapist, Pantai Hospital KL, Malaysia
  • Speech and Language Therapist, Kidsogenius Speech center, Malaysia
  • Swallowing and Voice Therapist PG, Amrita Hospital Kochi, India
  • Speech and Language Therapist, Ara Damansara Medical Center, Malaysia
  • Speech and Voice Therapist, Thomson Hospital, Malaysia

Clinical Expertise & Services Offered:

  • Feeding therapy
  • Swallowing therapy
  • Speech and language delay
  • Voice disorders
  • Aphasia and dysarthria
  • Tracheostomy care and assessment
  • Able to carry out and interpret Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES)
  • Able to carry out and interpret Video fluoroscopy swallow study (VFSS)
  • Picky eater assessment and management
