Awat Kamal Aziz

Dr. Awat Kamal Aziz has been recently appointed as a Consultant Anesthesiologist at American Hospital Dubai. Following his completion of specialist training in anesthesia and intensive care medicine and the award of CCT in Anesthetics in 2015, he was appointed as a Consultant Anesthesiologist in Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in Oxford, UK. He has over 16 years of extensive experience in the provision of anesthesia and critical care in the UK. He is a fellow of the Royal College of Anesthetists in the UK, and he gained the European Diploma in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care in London in 2013 and the European Diploma in Intensive Care Medicine in 2014. He has extensive experience in preoperative evaluation, optimization, and perioperative management of high-risk cases undergoing emergency and elective surgery, including major cancer surgery and robot-assisted surgery in multiple surgical specialties.

Spoken Languages : Arabic, English, Kurdish
Types of Physician : Full-time
DHA License : Consultant Anesthesiologist
Branches : American Hospital Dubai


  • CCT, Royal College of Anesthetists, London, UK
  • FRCA, Royal College of Anesthetists, London, UK
  • EDIC, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, London, UK
  • DESA, European Society of Anesthesiology, London, UK,
  • MBChB, University of Sulaimanyah, Iraq

Professional Associations:

  • Royal College of Anesthetists, London, UK
  • Association of Anesthetists (Formerly AAGBI), London, UK

Professional Experience:

  • Consultant Anesthesiologist, Churchill Hospital, Oxford University Hospitals, United Kingdom
  • Consultant Anesthesiologist, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford University Hospitals, United Kingdom
  • Consultant Anesthesiologist, Nuffield Orthopedic Centre, Oxford University Hospitals, United Kingdom
  • Specialist Registrar of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Royal Berkshire Hospital, United Kingdom
  • Specialist Registrar of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Oxford University Hospitals, United Kingdom
  • Specialist Registrar of Anesthesia, Milton Keynes Hospital, United Kingdom

Clinical Expertise & Services Offered:

  • Complex major urology surgery including robotic cancer surgery and renal auto transplantation
  • Complex ENT surgery including robotic oral surgery, pharyngo-laryngectomy and vocal cord surgery.
  • Complex maxillofacial and head and neck surgery including neck dissection, tongue base cancer excision and free flap reconstruction.
  • Complex plastics surgery including free flaps (radial free forearm flaps and antero-lateral thigh flaps), major plastics reconstructive surgery and component abdominal wall reconstruction (CAWR).
  • Complex robot-assisted colorectal surgery.
  • Complex Gynecology and oncology surgery including pelvic exenteration.
  • Major orthopedic surgery including revision hips, peri-prosthetic fracture surgery and sarcoma excision surgery.
  • Complexed adult neurosurgery cases in all neurosurgery specializations including awake craniotomy, posterior fossa surgery, neurovascular surgery, skull base surgery and functional neurosurgery.
  • Complex spinal surgery (both adolescent and adult) and cervical spine fixation surgery.
  • Anesthesia for endocrine surgery including adrenalectomy, total thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy.
  • Anesthesia for transplant surgery includes simultaneous kidney and pancreas transplant and kidney transplantation (both LRD and LURD) and vascular access surgery.
  • Anesthesia for major emergencies and poly-trauma cases, stabilization of the acutely ill patient and optimization for surgery.
  • Complex ophthalmic surgery including bionic eye implantation surgery.
  • Anesthesia for all types of breast surgery including major breast reconstructive surgery.
  • Provision of remote anesthesia for all interventional radiology sub-specializations.
  • Sedation for numerous surgical specialties including sedation of bariatric cases. Extensive interest and experience in the application of the following interventions in the perioperative period
  • Advanced difficult airway management including jet ventilation and one lung ventilation.
  • Use of THRIVE (Transnasal Humidified Rapid Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange) apneic oxygenation.
  • Use processed EEG for depth of anesthesia monitoring.
  • Use of total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA).
  • Use of medical ultrasound for regional anesthesia, nerve blocks, spinal ultrasound and vascular access.
  • Use of hemodynamic monitoring in the perioperative period.
  • Proficient in effective management of acute pain in the perioperative period.
