Ankita Batra

I did my studies in India. I completed my medical degree in 2012. Completed MD Anesthesia in 2015 from King George Medical University one of the prestigious institutes in India. Followed by senior residency from PGI Chandigarh another prestigious institute in India and Asia as well. I had keen interest in Critical care so joined Fellowship in Critical Care Medicine (2017-2019) from National Board in reputed hospital in North India. It was one of the centers in India equipped with ECMO facility for severely ill patients. Assisted in insertion of ECMO and transportation of patient on ECMO from other hospital to our institute. Also, I had experience managing patients on ECMO, patient with hematological malignancies post bone marrow transplants, patient post liver and kidney transplants among other critically ill patients. Worked extensively during COVID Have been working in India in Anesthesia and ICU.

Spoken Languages : English, Hindi
Types of Physician : Full-time
DHA License : Specialist Anesthesiologist and Intensive Care
Branches : American Hospital Dubai


  • MBBS, CSJMU, India
  • MD Anesthesia, KGMU, India
  • Fellowship Critical Care Medicine, Fortis Hospital, India

Professional Experience:

  • Consultant, Healing Touch Hospital, India

Clinical Expertise & Services Offered:

  • Anesthesia,
  • Managing critically ill patients in ICU
  • Insertion of Central Line
  • Dialysis Sheath
  • Chest Tubes
  • Intubation
  • Percutaneous Tracheostomy
  • Free hand use of Ultrasound in assessing Critically ill patients
