Post Lock Down Life Style management in Children

Post Lock Down Life Style management in Children

Covid-19, post lock down and your Children Life Style

During the lock down, children and families experienced unusual circumstances that in many cases had lead to unfavorable changes in children and youth life style. These changes got exacerbated by summer break that followed immediately the lockdown period and reduced the chance of post lock down recovery.

Unhealthy eating habits, reduced physical activity and disturbed sleeping pattern have a long lasting impact on children wellbeing that can track into adulthood.

Reports in the past have shown that non-school environment during summer recess had resulted in weight increase among children and youth.

In addition, studying and working from home have made it even more challenging for parents to face and modify the disruption in their families’ lifestyle during and after the lockdown.

These are few tips to support families cope with these challenges and create a more optimal environment promoting a healthier lifestyle for their children:

  1. Keep school days routine as much as possible during non-school days, waking up early in the morning and sleeping early at night, and engaging children in different activities will enhance their wellbeing mentally and physically.
  2. Encourage eating meals around the table as a family; this is a great opportunity to develop and enrich healthy eating habits among children and stimulates family bounding.
  3. Eliminate ultra-processed and calorie-dense foods including sugary beverages from your home as much as possible, and avoid consumption of fast food.
  4. Engage children and youth in preparing nutritious meals and snacks.
  5. Provide few solutions for children to be more physically indoors there are several ideas such as using hula hoops, dancing games, jumping on the rope, hopscotch, limbo game, hide and seek…etc.
  6. Reduce time spent on electronic devices rather use these electronic devices to increase socialization with friends and relative.
  7. Educate and train children and youth on sleep hygiene, avoiding staying up late at night, waking up early in the morning, avoid any electronic stimulus in the bedroom.
  8. Be your child role model.

Do not forget that your pediatricians can assess your child general health, nutrition status, and provide you with the guidance and advice you to stay healthy. To book an appointment with our pediatricians, please call 043775500 or visit




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