How to Overcome Dental Anxiety

How to Overcome Dental Anxiety

Dentophobia: How to Overcome Dental Anxiety

Does the idea of visiting a dentist have your teeth chattering? You’re not alone; dental phobia is a real thing, but it’s possible to overcome that fear.

There are several factors that can contribute to seeing the dentist or sitting in the dental chair. Dental terror may stem from:

  • Painful experience in the past
  • A fear that the dentist will cause pain
  • Fear of drills and tools
  • Fear of shots that might not work
  • Embarrassment about dental health
  • The nervousness of having someone working in your mouth

Whatever the root cause of your fear, the fact remains that your dental health has a significant impact on your overall wellbeing. Keep reading for some of the most effective dental anxiety tips that will help overcome that fear:

  • Brush up on good dentists or the ones who know how to deal patient’s with dental anxiety in your area. Best if you ask for recommendations from friends and family members. Or hit us up at +971 43775500 to schedule
  • your appointment; we have the region’s most experienced Dentists who focus on delivering oral care services with compassion in a stress-free relaxing environment.
  • Be honest about your fears, and have a frank conversation with your dentist about how your dental visit or procedure can be less frightening. I have breathing issues and concerned about it, discuss in advance the available
  • options you can have or if you’re afraid of dental injections, seek information on topical anesthesia before receiving shots, etc.
  • During the oral procedure, be sure that you communicate your pain or discomfort to the Doctor either through verbal or non-verbal clues. This will help the doctor assess whether to continue the treatment or give you a break so you can de-stress and compose yourself.
  • Bring someone with you who you can trust, for moral support.
  • Take precautions to reduce discomfort or distract yourself. Maybe a better posture during the procedure can help alleviate the fear or playing your favorite music can help distract yourself from the sounds of drills and tools.

These strategies are helpful to overcome your fear of seeing a Dentist for dental procedures. If you still think your fear is too strong to overcome, it might be a good idea to talk to schedule an appointment with a dentist who knows how to treat patients with dental anxiety. Here at American Hospital Dubai’s Dentistry Department, you can feel free to schedule a first consultation and discuss your fears about dental work.

Your appointment will ensure you feel comfortable and relaxed throughout the visit. In addition, you’ll be informed and educated along the way about possible treatment options, including Sedation Dentistry. While with us, you’ll have plenty of time to ask questions and get the answers you need to feel confident and less anxious.
Oral health is too important to let your fear get in the way. Let our dental staff know how we can help!

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