Broken But Not Beaten - Understanding & Treating Non-Union Fractures

Broken But Not Beaten - Understanding & Treating Non-Union Fractures

Head fractures are a common occurrence, especially in physically active people. Most head fractures heal off on their own with proper immobilization and time. However, in some cases, a fractured bone fails to completely heal, even many months later. They are referred to as non-union fractures.

In this blog, let’s learn more about non-union fractures, explaining what they are, why they happen, and the treatment options available. We'll also explore the role of advanced bone grafts in Dubai in achieving successful healing.

What is a Non-Union Fracture?

Non-union fracture refers to broken bones which do not fully mend after the usual healing period which often lasts for several months. Whereas, most breaks spontaneously join with proper support and time, certain factors can hinder this process.

Here are some reasons why a non-union fracture might occur:

  • Inadequate Blood Supply: Bones need good blood flow to provide them with essential nutrients during the healing process. Some fractures particularly complex ones can tamper with this flow of blood.
  • Incorrect Bone Positioning: If the broken parts of the bone fail to align themselves properly during the healing process, they might not heal together well.
  • Medical Conditions: Certain diseases, such as diabetes or osteoporosis can weaken bones and slow down their recovery rate.
  • Smoking: Smoking habits also hurt bone repair by decreasing blood flow significantly.

Signs and Symptoms of a Non-Union Fracture:

If you notice persistent pain in the fracture area, even after a couple of months since it healed, or if there is swelling around that area, or instability, you must see your doctor. Other symptoms indicating constant non-healing fracture include:

  • Difficulty bearing weight on the affected limb
  • Deformity at the fracture site
  • Grating sensation at the fracture site during movement

An early diagnosis of non-union fracture is essential to achieve successful treatment. Whenever you suspect any problem, don’t hesitate to seek advice from a professional medical practitioner.

What Is the Most Successful Method of Treatment of Non Union Fracture?

The best way to treat non-union fracture depends on what caused it and where it occurred in your body. Some common methods used include:

Non-surgical Methods:

Some cases of nonunion fractures can be managed with these conventional methods to stimulate bone healing. These involve the following processes:

  • Bone stimulator: Low-intensity electrical currents passed through a device enhance bone formation.
  • Bracing or casting: Re-immobilization with a cast or brace adds support and aids the healing process.

Surgical Intervention:

When nonsurgical management cannot lead to fracture recovery, then surgery becomes another option. This usually includes:

  • Internal fixation: It involves using plates, screws, or rods to hold fractured bones at their right position, allowing them to heal properly.
  • Bone Grafting: Sometimes, bone tissue is removed from one area of your body (autograft), or a donor (allograft), and placed at the site of fracture, to encourage new growth of bone. Advanced bone graft surgery in UAE is such kind of procedure that only a few doctors can perform.

Advanced Bone Graft Surgery Is A Potential Solution for Non-Union Fractures!

Non-union fractures have been successfully treated through advanced bone graft surgeries offered by top orthopedic centers. This minimally invasive operation employs specialized techniques and materials for improving bone regeneration.

Here's what makes it stand out:

  • Accurate positioning of bone grafts – advanced imaging techniques help surgeons place the graft exactly where it will work best for optimal results.
  • Promotion of blood flow – vascularized bone grafts which entail taking a small piece of live bone that comes with its blood supply can considerably improve healing by increasing blood flow to the fracture site.
  • Growth Factors: The use of BMPs incorporated into the graft material permits further stimulation of bone growth.

Seeking Treatment for Non-Union Fractures in Dubai?

It is important to consult a specialist in orthopedics if you have symptoms that suggest a non-union fracture in Dubai. Proper care and early diagnosis are key to successful healing.

At American Hospital Dubai, our team of highly skilled orthopedic surgeons is equipped with the latest advancements in non-union fracture treatment, including advanced bone graft surgery. Personalized treatment options are available, emphasizing least invasive techniques for best patient outcomes.

Therefore, keep in mind that non-healing fractures do not always imply that your life has come to an end. You can fully recover from this situation by seeking proper medical assistance and enjoying your normal activities. There’s no reason for you to waste another minute wondering whether or not you should get treated for any suspected case of a non-union fracture.

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