Priapus Shot or P-Shot treatment in Dubai is designed to improve erectile function. The treatment works by using growth factors from your own blood to repair and regenerate tissue in the penis. The most common benefits to taking the treatment include stronger, long-lasting erections, an increase in both the girth and length of the penis, and improved overall sexual performance.
What Does P-Shot Treatment Help With?
The P-Shot uses PRP therapy to help heal and regenerate the muscles and tissues of the penis. It can treat the following conditions or issues:
Benefits of P-Shot Treatment
The P-Shot generally offers the following benefits for men:
How Does the P-Shot Treatment Work?
The P-Shot doesn’t directly address the root causes of erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation, which can be caused by several physical, emotional, and psychological factors. Instead, the P-Shot focuses on improving the following:
In simple terms, the P-Shot enhances the penis’s sensitivity and responsiveness to both internal and external stimuli. Over time, this leads to improved overall sexual function.
What Does the P-Shot Treatment Procedure Involve?
The P-Shot treatment is an outpatient procedure with no downtime. You can return to your normal activities right after the treatment, but you may choose to take a day off to relax during the procedure. Here's an overview of the steps involved in the P-Shot treatment at Euromed Clinic Dubai:
Finally, if you received injections in the penile shaft, you will be given a penis pump. This pump helps draw blood into the penis, ensuring the treatment works effectively. You may need to use the pump for 10 minutes daily over the next few weeks.
What to Expect After the Treatment: Side Effects and Recovery
The P-Shot treatment is generally safe with few complications. You might experience mild side effects like swelling, bruising, or redness, but these typically go away within four to six days.
Recovery is quick, and most people can return to work the same day or the following day. However, it's important to avoid intense physical exercise and sexual activity for a few days to prevent irritation in the treated area.
When Will I See the Results of the P-Shot Treatment?
Seeing visible results from the P-Shot depends on several factors, including your overall health and sexual health. Typically, results can be seen anywhere from a few days to a few months after the treatment. For those with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction, improvements are often noticeable within a few days.
How Much Does the P-Shot Cost in Dubai?
The starting cost of a P-Shot in Dubai is AED 3,500. However, the final price depends on several factors.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Do I Need to Use a Pump After the P-Shot?
A pump is not needed as it can increase bruising and swelling. The PRP will distribute itself by diffusion and osmolarity.
2. Can I Take Viagra After a P-Shot?
Yes, you can take Viagra or other FDA-approved medications for improved sexual performance, but it's important to get approval from your healthcare provider first before taking any medications.
3. How painful is the P-Shot?
A local anesthetic or numbing cream is applied to the penis to ensure you remain comfortable throughout the procedure.
Get Started Today—Schedule Your Consultation!
The P-Shot is a safe and effective treatment for several sexual health issues, but it’s important to only consult with healthcare practitioners who are certified and knowledgeable in this course of treatment. Contact American Hospital Dubai now at +971 4 377 5500 and take the first step towards improved sexual health.