Sherif El Shahawy

Dr. Sherif El Shahawy (MBBCH, MSc) Dr. Sherif El Shahawy is a Senior Specialist of Gastroenterology/Hepatology/GIT Endoscopy with a master’s degree from Cairo University, Egypt on 2005. He has a vast working experience for the past 20 years in three different countries (Egypt, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and UAE). He recieved his basic medical training in Cairo University, Egypt and completed his speciality training in Gastroenterology/Hepatology/GIT Endoscopy in the Eminent High Flow Teaching Hospitals, Cairo, Egypt. His working experience includes diagnosis and management of GERD, IBD, Celiac disease, IBS, Functional and organic GIT disorders, Bowel disorders, GIT bleeding, GIT tumors, Pancreatic and Liver diseases, Viral and all causes of Hepatitis, diagnostic and interventional upper and lower GIT endoscopies. Degrees: MBBCH, Cairo University, Egypt 1998 Master degree (MSc), Cairo University 2005 Languages Spoken: Arabic(native), English(fluent) and French(intermediate). Dr. Sherif El Shahawy Senior Specialist Astroenterology / Hepatology/GIT Endoscopy MBBCH, MSc.

اللغات : عربي, الإنجليزية, الفرنسية
أنواع الطبيب : وقت كامل
DOH رخصة الصف : Specialist Gastroenterologist
الفروع : المستشفى الأمريكي دبي
عيادة المستشفى الأمريكي في البرشاء


  • Master’s degree, Cairo University, Egypt

الجمعيات المهنية:

  • Gastroenterology, Hepatology, GIT Endoscopy

الخبرة العملية:

  • Resident of Gastroenterology, Ahmad Maher Teaching Hospital, Egypt
  • Specialist of Gastroenterology, Ahmad Maher Teaching Hospital, Egypt

الخبرة السريرية والخدمات المقدمة:

  • Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis and Management of All GIT, Liver, Pancreatic, Bowel Diseases
  • Upper and Lower Diagnostic and Interventional GIT Endoscopies