خزعة البروستاتا عبر العجان - آخر المستجدات

خزعة البروستاتا عبر العجان - آخر المستجدات

Transperineal prostate biopsy has minimal infection risks, enhanced diagnostic accuracy and faster recovery.

Diagnosing prostate cancer with this new MRI fusion biopsy procedure is safer, accurate, enhancing patient recovery rates. 

The new transperineal prostate biopsy process, a minimally invasive procedure with fusion-guided technology, is a prevalent alternative to standard transrectal biopsy tests to look for cancer cells in the prostate.

Timely detection of prostate cancer is essential to prevent prostate-related death in men. Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers detected in men above 50s. Early cancer detection enables timely intervention and personalized treatment plans, enhancing patient outcomes and survival rates.

Transperineal MRI fusion biopsies combine the power of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with real-time ultrasound guidance, providing more precise localization of suspicious areas within the prostate. 

Enhances diagnosis accuracy

The transperineal method enables highly accurate targeting of specific regions for biopsy, reducing any chance of missing clinically significant tumors compared to the conventional transrectal biopsies that depend on random sampling.

With a 3D template grid, multiple tissue cores are obtained from specific locations of the prostate, allowing for systematic and comprehensive sampling of the entire prostate gland. 

With improved diagnostic accuracy, the transperineal route’s cancer detection results are significantly enhanced compared to transrectal biopsy. This systematic approach increases the likelihood of detecting cancerous tissue, especially multifocal or small tumors.

Lowers infection risk 

The chance of infection, including life-threatening sepsis, is significantly lessened, almost to zero, in the transperineal approach risk, which is one of the main concerns with transrectal biopsies. 

In the standard transrectal examination, the biopsy needles pass from the rectum into the prostate. In the transperineal system, they pass through the perineum's skin, avoiding any contact with the rectum. 

In the former, passing biopsy needles through the rectum raises the risk of introducing fecal material and bacteria into the prostate. Hence, patients are prescribed antibiotics to lessen the approximate 1 to 2 per cent chance of infection, as per the American Urological Association. Thus the latter substantially minimize the infection risk to zero, and typically antibiotics are not needed, making it a much safer procedure for patients. 

Improves patient healing

The transperineal tests provide comprehensive details about the patient's condition with greater accuracy, identifying the tumor’s size, location, and aggressiveness. Such detailed analysis from template MRI fusion biopsies allows the doctor to tailor a treatment plan exclusive to the patient’s needs with greater confidence and precision. 

Overall, patients undergoing transperineal 3D MRI fusion-guided technology procedure benefit from a heightened ability to pinpoint potential prostate cancer in a clinical setting due to increased imaging accuracy. 

Moreover, with this latest urological cancer diagnostic tool, the patient experiences less pain and discomfort, and significantly lower rates of infections and complications, thus promoting a faster recovery than the traditional transrectal approach.

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