Help Your Little One Through Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery

Help Your Little One Through Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery

Helpless is the feeling of a parent seeing their child in pain or discomfort. It is even more of a concern when this pain involves their bones or muscles. Pediatric orthopedic surgery might sound intimidating, but with proper knowledge and reliable medical practitioners around, it can be a step to ensure that your child gets better.

This guide will take you through what you should expect from orthopedic pediatric Dubai surgery as well as some things that need preparation for your child and yourself before the big day.

Why Might My Child Need Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery?

Top pediatric orthopedic surgeons are doctors who specialize in treating musculoskeletal conditions in children. These conditions can range from common childhood fractures, scoliosis (a curved spine), or birth deformities.

These are some common causes for which pediatric orthopedics might be required:

  • Fractures: Children engaged in activity most often have broken bones. While some fractures heal on their own, others require surgery to make sure they align properly and heal.
  • Sports Injuries: Young athletes suffer torn ligaments, cartilage injuries, and growth plate fractures. Surgery helps fix these damages and restores joint functionality.
  • Deformities: Some conditions like clubfoot (a foot-related birth defect) or bowlegs may necessitate surgical correction of the deformity to enhance mobility.
  • Joint Problems: Surgical interventions aimed at improving the range of motion and reducing pain are performed on hips, and knees among other joints.
  • Spinal Conditions: Additional surgeries might be necessary in scoliosis, and other spinal abnormalities cases to prevent further complications.

World-Class Care Close to Home at American Hospital Dubai:

Selecting a suitable surgeon for your child has life-changing consequences. Look out for an accredited pediatrician specialist with experience handling patients of the same age group as yours who also have similar conditions as your child’s case in particular.

In our hospital, American Hospital Dubai, we have a team of highly skilled surgeons who are committed to providing you with empathetic orthopedic pediatric urgent care for your child. You can easily locate a doctor around you by making an online search on “orthopedic pediatric doctor near me” or “pediatric orthopedic surgery Dubai.”

What to Expect During Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery: A Guide for Parents?

The unknown is always scary, especially for children. Here are some ways of preparing your child emotionally for the surgery:

  • Age-appropriate Explanation: Talk to your child about the procedure in their language. Tell them why it is needed and what benefits will result from it using simple words, not medical terminologies.
  • Answer Their Questions: Be truthful about what worries your kid might have by telling them everything that they want to know. Let them know that being nervous and scared is quite acceptable.
  • Play to Reduce Anxiety: Practice what happens in the hospital such as getting an IV (intravenous line) and going into surgery. Use dolls or stuffed animals to make it less intimidating.
  • Comforting Objects: Let your child bring his/her favorite toy or blanket along for comfort while in the hospital.

The Day of Surgery:

Here’s a brief overview of what can be expected on surgical day:

  • Admission: The hospital personnel will receive you and take you to a preoperative room.
  • Previous-Operative Arrangements: Your child’s vitals will be examined and an IV will be inserted to administer fluids and medication.
  • Anesthesia: To make your baby comfortable and pain-free, the anesthesiologist will carry out anesthesia during the operation.
  • The Operation: The surgeon will do the procedure as had been planned. Surgery can last anything from a few minutes to several hours depending on how complicated it is.
  • Recovery: After surgery is done, your child will be taken to a recovery room where they are monitored while they wake up from anesthesia.

Post-Operative Care:

How long your child stays in the hospital depends on what type of surgery they have undergone. During this period, hospital staff provide pain relief and monitor recovery.

Below are some guidelines for home post-operative care:

  • Pain Management: Maintain pain medication as prescribed by the physician.
  • Rest and Recovery: You must encourage them to rest up as their bodies heal.
  • Physical Therapy: Some surgical procedures may need physical therapy exercises to regain strength and mobility again.
  • Follow-up Appointments: Continual follow-up appointments with the surgeon are important in monitoring progress and seeing that everything heals properly at all times.

Your Role in Supporting Your Child's Healing:

Pediatric orthopedic surgery can seem intimidating but with appropriate preparation and support, your child can recover successfully back to their active lifestyle. We have a group of experienced medical professionals at American Hospital Dubai accompanying you every step of this journey. You can help your child get through this experience by using this guide when required, ensuring a sound solution.


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